Monday, May 29, 2006

30th of May, and Wearing a Sweater (or two)

Breakfast this morning was wonderful. all kinds of fruits, eggs cooked every way imaginable, bacon, pasteries galore! Fabio made a way better cappucino, though. His breakfasts werent as great, but atleast he could make the coffee.
We're going to take a little side trip today. We'll see lots of architecture. Then we'll be in Florence for a while (4-ish days) ... enough time to find a haircutter and do some shopping. I'm looking forward to both of those cities.
I think i figured out what it is about Padua that i dont like as much. Its that its just a big city. Well, its better than being in Texas, yes, but its really justa big college town/urban city. However, there are no residences here, whatsoever. Venice was a huge mix of urban nd houses. The people worked, and did business in the same place, most of them having shops below their houses. There were tons of tiny gardens and yards all over Venice. Most of the grand canal was flanked with huge merchants' homes. Very elaborate architecture. So i'm glad i finally put my finger on it. its not just the weather.
Speaking of, its rainy today. I didnt bring an umbrella, but perhaps i'll have to buy one. Its off to the bus and onto the train station now! (btw, i havent been posting pictures only because none of the computers here seem to have USB ports.)

Lost in Padua

Not to say anything wrong about my graduation shindigs, but Paduans seem to know how to celebrate a college degree. From what I can tell, you dress up all nice like, and your friends and family gather around you, take you into the street, douse you in flour and make you change into some strange costume. Usually they make you read something while they laugh at you. Then you're allowed to attempt to shake off all the flour, and change back into your nice, regular clothes. They sing to you real loud, once in a while, grab you by the arms and drag you wherever they want to take pictures with you. They put a huge laurel wreath around your neck ... like horses get when they win races. Also, we went to eat at this fancy schmancy restaurant, but about half of it was rented out for some graduate. Talk about a party.
Anyhow, I am going to try and get atleast some rest tonight. We saw a lot today, and got lost a few (hundered) times. Its not as fun to get lost in Padua. Maybe its just because my legs are so tired. My favorite thing today was the Scrovegni chapel. The whole thing was painted comic-strip style: different little squares for different scenes depicting the life of christ. It was all so straightforward. not just paintings of old guys with beards. i know ... they're saints or wahtever, but really ... i dont knwo them personally to be like 'hey that's saint joe' and be all excited. also, you can only see so many madonnas before she starts looking bored about posing for so many different painters. BUT .. giotto, the guy that painted the scrovegni chapel, he knew how to paint! gorgeous colors, light, and perspective. he didnt make things all complex, either. man. what a site. its all recently restored. they make you go through this de-humidifying chamber before you even go into the chapel. really, THAT special. I dont expect many other chapels to top that.
Like i was saying, i'd better get some rest. take care! Day trip to vecenza tomorrow, then back here to take a train to florence. here i come florence. i'm ready for shopping (and a haircut!)

Goodbye Venice, Hello Padua!

So Venice was great. Now i'm in Padua, and this hotel has internet! wahoo! we'll only be here one night, though. its a nice hotel but i liked the other one better. this one is under renevation and really in the middle of the city. outside our window we just see rooftops and constructon. at villa crispi, we saw a nice neighborhood. plus, fabio, the front desk guy at villa crispi was totally cool and really good at english. overall, venicians are way better english speakers than paduans.
We rode the train from Venice to Padua. its real easy to get around here. mom has a difficult time finding her way, but its a good thing im here to help us find our way. buses are most confusing. bye tickets at tobacco shops, which never seem to be open when we want to get bus tickets. therefore, we've been riding buses without tickets which, well, saves us a little money.
Mom is pushing me out the door to walk around before it starts raining. so, bye for now, and i'll try to post again later tonight. ciao!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Iàm here!

This keyboard is in italian, so excuse my .... italian. weàre having a great time here in Venice. Everything is like a picture, but a million times better. Iàve sent postcards ... probably the only ones that will beat me home! Weàve been up and down the Grand canal a few times, taken a million pictures, and just taken time to soak up the scene here in venice.
The hotel weàre staying at is extremely quaint. Too quiet at night, and has a nice little breakfast in the morning. Sleeping hasnàt been too great. I keep waking up in the middle of the night. probably because i crash as soon as we get to the hotel. Weàve been eating extremely good food. Pizza, wine and pastas. Gelato is just as as addicting as i heard it was. My personal favorites are cherry, and lemon. My favorite thing to do in Venice is get lost in the backstreets. Away from all the tourists and shops. You find the best coutryards, gardens and squares.
Well, weàre off to Padua tomorro. Iàm so excited to see some countryside. Iàll try and keep yall posted more often! I hope all is well back home. Iàm so glad to be here, and iàm getting in great shape from walking everywhere.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Less Than 24 Hours! Holy Schmoley!

I'll be boarding a plane bound for Italy in less than 24 hours. I think its appropriate that I post our itinerary now:

Italy Trip May 25 to June 10, 2006

May 25, 2006 (Thursday)
Depart 10:00 pm Houston
Arrive 2:40 pm Friday May 26 Paris, France

Depart 3:25 pm Paris, France
Arrive 5:05 pm Venice Italy

May 26—29: (Friday pm– Monday am) VENICE

Major sights: St Marks Cathedral, Doges Palace,
St Marks Square, Hotel Daniella, Harry’s Bar for a bellini

May 29 (Monday am) Train to Padova (Padua)

May 29—30: (Monday – Tuesday am)

Scrovegni Chapel
University of Padua, Caffe Pedrocchi, Basilica of St. Anthony

May 30 (Tuesday am) Train to Firenze (Florence)

May 30—June 3: (Tuesday am to Friday ?) FLORENCE

Uffizi Gallery
Palatine Gallery @ Pitti Palace
Science Museum, Leonardo Museum, and all major sights
Possible day trip to Pisa

June 03 (Friday) Train to Roma (Rome)

June 3—June 6: (Saturday to Tuesday) ROME

Roman forum, Coliseum, Vatican museums, all major sights
Appian Way

June 6 (Tuesday) Train to Naples

Naples: (see Rick Steves Walk p.618) Archeological Museum
Pompeii, Herculeum, etc.

June 6 –June 7 (Tuesday night) NIGHT TRAIN TO SICILY

June 7—June 8 (Wednesday) SYRACUSE (SICILY)

Archimedes Tomb, Archeological Museum

June 8 (Thursday) Train to Amalfi Coast/Rome

June 8—June 10 (Thursday to Saturday) ROME

Final major sights missed during earlier days

June 10, 2006 (Saturday)
Depart 7:20 am Rome
Arrive 9:30 am Paris, France

Depart 10:20 am Paris, France
Arrive 1:50 pm Houston

So thats it in a nutshell!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Scattered Across the Globe

I just found out my best friend is going to Italy and Paris at the end of June. (this is a shout-out to her: hey Jess, my babe. have a splendid time. I know you will!) It is a lifelong dream for her, and I'm so pumpped. Seems like everyone is going abroad this summer. Another best friend is traveling to central Mexico. How cool is that. I'm really glad to see we're all getting these great opportunities. Perhaps in the near future we'll all be traveling together in our adventures around the globe. That would be extremely amazing.

Well, I got some toiletries, and talked to different people that can take care of my kitty, Madge:

So that's a good thing. Im going to try and fit everything in my bag today. I'll carry it around the house for a little while to see if I can haul it easily over there. I'm sure I'll end up re-packing several times.

You know, Jess gave me this book about all the other cultures of the world. It tells you whats acceptable etiqutte in different countries. Its so very cool. I remember Italy says something about how shoes are noticed and they show your status so you should wear nice shoes. I have lots of cool shoes I would love to bring, but shoes are hard to pack! ... and they're not exactly the lightest item of clothing. So shoes are definatley my hangup with the packing.

While I'm in Italy, so far I want to purchase a hat and shoes. Maybe even a scarf. I sold back all my books that I had left from college yesterday, and got some good spending money for Italy!! That was a nice unexpected source of mula. I took care of all outstanding busineess in College Station yesterday. Its a relief to have that done. Moving and traveling is such a shuffle, much less at the same time.

Well, I'd better get on with my day if I expect to be anywhere near ready when Italy gets here: 3 MORE DAYS!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Countdown Begins

Well, I have graduated! I have moved out of College Station and most of my furniture is set up in my new San Antonio place. I've got a couple weeks off before the job starts ... So what should I do in the meantime? Well, travel to Italy with my mom, of course!

I'll be there from May 25 till June 10th-ish. IN JUST 5 DAYS!!

May 25 is coming up sooner than I thought. Its THIS THURSDAY! Mom's got lots of travel shows and books for me to read to catch up on all the info I need to know before we head out. I need to find someone to watch the kitty, as well. Luckily she's real sweet and most people like her, so maybe I won't have to bribe someone too much. I of course need to pack, too! Light is the key word. We're not checking any bags, and we're walking and carrying our stuff everywhere. Which is really good, but its difficult to pair everything down to one duffel bag and a backpack. The temptation to overpack is overwhelming.

I'm really looking forward to all of this and can't wait to get on that airplane. It'll be here before I know it, though.