Monday, May 29, 2006

Lost in Padua

Not to say anything wrong about my graduation shindigs, but Paduans seem to know how to celebrate a college degree. From what I can tell, you dress up all nice like, and your friends and family gather around you, take you into the street, douse you in flour and make you change into some strange costume. Usually they make you read something while they laugh at you. Then you're allowed to attempt to shake off all the flour, and change back into your nice, regular clothes. They sing to you real loud, once in a while, grab you by the arms and drag you wherever they want to take pictures with you. They put a huge laurel wreath around your neck ... like horses get when they win races. Also, we went to eat at this fancy schmancy restaurant, but about half of it was rented out for some graduate. Talk about a party.
Anyhow, I am going to try and get atleast some rest tonight. We saw a lot today, and got lost a few (hundered) times. Its not as fun to get lost in Padua. Maybe its just because my legs are so tired. My favorite thing today was the Scrovegni chapel. The whole thing was painted comic-strip style: different little squares for different scenes depicting the life of christ. It was all so straightforward. not just paintings of old guys with beards. i know ... they're saints or wahtever, but really ... i dont knwo them personally to be like 'hey that's saint joe' and be all excited. also, you can only see so many madonnas before she starts looking bored about posing for so many different painters. BUT .. giotto, the guy that painted the scrovegni chapel, he knew how to paint! gorgeous colors, light, and perspective. he didnt make things all complex, either. man. what a site. its all recently restored. they make you go through this de-humidifying chamber before you even go into the chapel. really, THAT special. I dont expect many other chapels to top that.
Like i was saying, i'd better get some rest. take care! Day trip to vecenza tomorrow, then back here to take a train to florence. here i come florence. i'm ready for shopping (and a haircut!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am living vicariously through you!! Everything sounds so fun and lively and colorful. Any Italian Stallions struttin around?? :)

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you keep your eyes off those "Itialian Stallions"!!!

3:52 PM  
Blogger Just Traveling said...

there are tons. they're not too friendly, though. the guys here are way shy. i guess its better that way...

12:01 AM  

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