Monday, May 29, 2006

30th of May, and Wearing a Sweater (or two)

Breakfast this morning was wonderful. all kinds of fruits, eggs cooked every way imaginable, bacon, pasteries galore! Fabio made a way better cappucino, though. His breakfasts werent as great, but atleast he could make the coffee.
We're going to take a little side trip today. We'll see lots of architecture. Then we'll be in Florence for a while (4-ish days) ... enough time to find a haircutter and do some shopping. I'm looking forward to both of those cities.
I think i figured out what it is about Padua that i dont like as much. Its that its just a big city. Well, its better than being in Texas, yes, but its really justa big college town/urban city. However, there are no residences here, whatsoever. Venice was a huge mix of urban nd houses. The people worked, and did business in the same place, most of them having shops below their houses. There were tons of tiny gardens and yards all over Venice. Most of the grand canal was flanked with huge merchants' homes. Very elaborate architecture. So i'm glad i finally put my finger on it. its not just the weather.
Speaking of, its rainy today. I didnt bring an umbrella, but perhaps i'll have to buy one. Its off to the bus and onto the train station now! (btw, i havent been posting pictures only because none of the computers here seem to have USB ports.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe you could ask one of the Itallion Stallions for an umbrella, Im sure they would be happy to share. Have fun and stay warm. The weather here has actually been pretty good the last couple days, cool, with a breeze. Rained a little yesterday, but hey, if it keeps the temperatures down Im game.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great time! Can't wait to see your pictures. Madge is doing great! She is a sweet kitty! Buy some Italian shoes and eat some gelato for me! fultons

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked the forecast yesterday, and you were right. It's raining. I wouldn't have thought of bringing an umbrella either. How's the search for a haircut? And what about the shopping? I went yesterday to apply for my passport. Last night I looked at places to lodge at all of our destinations. Is your internet access expensive? Love you and miss being able to talk to you whenever I want. :)

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Babe. I cant believe I didnt have my phone with me to take a picture. I took precious to the fence where the cows are and this little baby calf walked up to precious at the fence and they started sniffing each other nose to nose. Both of them had this "what are you?" look on their face (esp Precious). IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!! Then we started attracting too much attention from the larger cows so I made precious leave. I'll try to get a picture next time. Miss you!

6:30 PM  

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